To take the guesswork out of buying gifts this year, we at Ft Wayne Times asked our friends at The Grommet for their latest and greatest practical gift suggestions for 2021.
These guides are geared towards specific interests. You’ll be able to find something for even the toughest person on your Christmas shopping list.
Top 5 Geography Gifts
1) City Map Wooden Coasters
Neighborwoods: City Map Wooden Coasters - Queens
2) Sandrop Earrings
Capture and carry your favorite beach with these custom sand earrings. Grains are hand-sanded and trimmed with silver for a modern matte finish. Send them a capsule of your own sand or choose from their collection of over 1, 500 beaches worldwide.
3) City Neighborhood Map Print
Native Maps: City Neighborhood Map Print - Kansas City - White on Navy
4) Color Maps
A colorful talking point in your living room or a stunning work of art for your office, these captivating typographic maps are a vibrant addition to any room. Each map is distinctly unique - intricately detailed and hand-designed.
5) USA Beer Cap Trap
Keep track of all your favorite beers, geographically. The Beer Cap Trap is a laser-cut, wooden wall map of the U.S., with holes made to display the caps of memorable brews from all across the country.