
Ft Wayne Times

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tips from FWACC: Keeping pets safe during Fourth of July celebrations

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Mayor Tom Henry | Twitter Website

Mayor Tom Henry | Twitter Website

June 28, 2024 - Fireworks may be enjoyable for many, but they can be frightening and even dangerous for pets. Animal shelters experience their busiest days during summer, particularly in July. Many animals become so frightened by the noise and bright flashes of fireworks that they run away and often get lost. Anxious families frequently find themselves searching neighborhoods and shelters for their companions.

Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control (FWACC) is urging all pet owners to take extra precautions to keep their pets safe during this holiday. They offer the following tips:

- Keep your pets inside the house, where they are safe and comfortable.

- Place curtains over any windows to minimize visual stimulation.

- Play calming music, white noise, or Animal Planet on the TV.

- Give your pets enrichment activities and their favorite toys to keep them occupied and distracted from loud fireworks. Consider filling a toy with peanut butter or various treats.

- Consult with your veterinarian if your pet is particularly anxious; medication may help reduce stress levels.

- For cats, FWACC recommends using Feliway, a product that emits a calming pheromone unique to cats.

- When taking dogs outside for bathroom breaks, ensure they are wearing a properly fitted collar or harness while leashed, even if you have a fenced yard.

- Double-check fences for any openings or loose areas and secure all latches.

- Ensure all pets wear up-to-date ID tags on their collars or harnesses.

- Microchip your pet and keep the information current. FWACC offers microchipping services for $15.

FWACC understands families wanting their companions to participate in festivities; however, this can be overwhelming for pets. Animals expressing fear or stress are more likely to run away or bite. For the safety of the community, family members, and pets themselves, it is advised to keep them safely inside.

If a pet gets loose, start looking immediately. File a lost pet report through Fort Wayne Animal Care & Control online or call during business hours. Post about lost dogs on Lost Dogs of Fort Wayne’s Facebook page or about lost cats on Lost Cats of Fort Wayne’s page. Check FWACC's website daily for current housed stray animals. Lost pets can be picked up starting Friday, July 5 when the shelter reopens at 11 a.m.

If you find a lost pet, it is important to get it checked for a microchip at a veterinarian’s office or by an Animal Control Officer so its owner can be contacted.



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